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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 3 Language in use下载详情
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There are many things in my Lost and Found box now, come here, get one thing and try to find its owner, you only have two chances.Play games to practice:

—Is this pen yours?/Is this your pen? —No, it isn’t mine;Yes, it is mine, thank you. 通过游戏引导学生复现本模块重要知识点,既激发兴趣,又可以检测学生对知识的掌握情况,暴露相异构想,为接下来的巩固做好铺垫。Step 2

Practice 1.Have students look at Lost and Found boxes, use the things in it and practice in groups.

2.Lead them to complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.1.Work in groups:

A:Whose ... is this? Is this your ...?

B:Yes, it is my.../ No, it’s not mine. It’s C’s ...

C:Yes, this is his/her .../ Yes, this ... is mine.

2.Try to finish Activity 2.

3.Retell Unit 2

①When do people often lose things?

Where do they leave things?

②How many people come to the New York City Lost and Found Office?

③How many mobile phones and cameras do you usually have?

④Are there any animals in the Lost and Found office? (1) 学生通过实际中运用,自己探寻出两种代词在用法上的区别,将零散的知识系统化,远远要好于老师生硬的讲解。同时,通过造句,引导学生学会观察生活。


教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 2

Practice T:Look at your books, turn to page four. read the text and work in groups. A is a reporter(记者) who asks questions about the Lost and Found Office in New York City, the other students are workers of the Lost and Found Office.4.学生就Unit 2 的课文素材进行新闻播报展示。(3)以课文为素材和背景,进行新闻播报,以记者采访、主播播报等形式二次开发运用教材,既复习了课文,更让复杂的内容简单化,贴近学生实际生活。Step 3

Use 1.小组合作:编写对话——假如你丢失了或捡到了一件物品,请编写一段发生在失物招领处的对话。

T:When we lose something, or pick up something, what should we do ?Please make a dialogue in pairs, you can do like this: ...

2.阅读Around the world, 判断四个相关问题的正误:

T:Look at your books, turn to Page 7, read the “Around the world”, and find true or false 1.两人一组,选择一两件你们熟悉的物品填写在省略号处,进行下面的对话

A:Excuse me, I lost my ..., can you help me find it?

B:What’s your ...like?/What colour is it?/

A:It is ...

B:Where did you lose it?

A:I lost it ...

B:I found a ... Is it yours?

A:Yes, it’s mine./ No, it’s not mine.

B:Here you are./ OK.

A:Thank you. / Thank you all the same.
