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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet.下载详情

七年级下册(2012年10月第1版)《Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet.》优质课教案下载-忻州市优课

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Learn to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of something and express their own opinion.

4. Culture Ability

Learn to compare different things and share their ideas with others. 教学方法Communicative approach, task-based approach学习者分析The topic of Module 5 is about shopping, which is a hit topic for students. Every student has shopping experiences. Unit 2 mainly talks about advantages and disadvantages about online shopping. Students will be able to describe advantages and disadvantages of online shopping and supermarket shopping.

教学环节活动目标教学内容活动设计媒体功能应用及分析 1.Warm upBackground information about online shoppingProvide background information.Play a video about what online shopping is.播放视频,激发兴趣,导入新课2. PredictMotivate students’ learningPredict the possible order of the headlines.Show the headlines (not in correct order). If you are the writer, how do you like to write the passage.动态展示,视觉引导3. Read and match

Get the main ideaRead the passage quickly and match the headlines with paragraphs.Have students read the passage quickly, check if their prediction is right and check their answers.对学生的预测进行判断,直观性强4. Careful readingHave a basic understanding of online shopping and know the details of advantages and disadvantagesHave students read the passage in details and get some specific information.Read Paragraph 1, then Paragraph 2&3,4.通过阅读,实现知识内化5. Pair work: discuss

Motivate students’ thinkingWhy is online shopping not safe?Have students discuss what leads to the situation.6.Watch the cartoon of the text and read after it Have a basic understanding of the passageWatch and read.Have students read the passage and pay attention to the pronunciation and the structure.通过视听、跟读,完成知识的建构

7.RetellingPractise the four parts of the passageRetell the passage in pairs.First retell it in pairs, then ask several pairs to present it.复述课文,内化语言8. Group workCultivate students’ critical and creative thinkingHave a discussion.Work in groups of four and discuss your advice for online shopping.讨论对于网络购物的建议9. WritingLearn to write about supermarket shopping.Based on the introduction, advantages, disadvantages and your opinion, give a report. Have students to talk about supermarket shopping and give a report about it.展示交流,团队协作10. SummaryPay attention to Moral emotion goals.Talk about correct attitude towards online shopping.Have students think about how to improve safety while online shopping.情感升华

