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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Reading 1: Gulliver in Lilliput下载详情
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T: The story we’re going to read comes from the English novel Gulliver’s Travels. Have you read this book before?

Gulliver’s Travels was written by the famous British writer Jonathan Swift. This novel tells us Gulliver’s amazing adventures in some countries, including Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa and Houyhnnhnms.

Step 3 Reading

1.Skimming and answer:

(1) Which adventure does this extract belong to?

A. Lilliput B. Brobdingnag C. Laputa

(2) In this extract, who am “I”?

A. Jonathan Swift B. Gulliver C. Sandy.

(3) How many tiny people did “I” meet in the end?

A. One B. A few C. A large number.

2. Read the extract again and find the meanings of the words in Part B1.

3. Read the extract carefully and match the events with their causes in Part B2.

4. Then read the sentences in Part B3 and check for mistakes.

5. Read after the tape.

6. Complete B4.

7. Check out the answers.

8. Read aloud the extract and answer some questions:

(1) Did Gulliver know where he was when he woke up? (No, he did not.)

(2) Why did the tiny people tie Gulliver to the ground?

(Yes. At first he shouted at the tiny people, and then he tried to pull his hand free. Finally, he managed to break the ropes.)

(3) Did Gulliver do anything to help himself out?

(4) What were those tony people’s reactions to Gulliver when he tried to help himself out?

( At first, they were shocked by the loud noise that Gulliver made and they all fell over, but they soon got up again and continued moving across his left hand into the air, they began to shout and a huge army of tiny people came straight towards Gulliver.

Step 4 Activity

1. T: Gulliver came to a strange land after their ship crashed against the rocks. Suppose you’re Gulliver, can you tell others how strange it was in your own words?

2. Make an interview.

You are an interviewer. You want to interview Gulliver about his trip. Work in pairs; try to ask at least five questions about the trip.

Step 5 Homework

1. Read aloud the article underline the difficult parts.

2. Remember the new words in this lesson.

