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The ABC of the Infinitive

Crazy English

Learning Goals

Try to figure out what different types of the infinitive are by reviewing parts of our textbooks , reading some more sentences and passages and doing some practice;

Enable yourself to learn about the basic functions of the infinitive with the help of yourself and your classmates and your teacher and above all, use them correctly.

Crazy English

If you learned about grammar in school, you were probably taught to think about "correct" and "incorrect" ways to use a language. (By VOA 12 May, 2016 Who Makes Grammar Rules?)

Task 1 (About 3 minus.)

Duty report ---Listen carefully and pay attention to the infinitive in the speech.

Task II (About 3 minus.)

What is the infinitive ?

Enjoy 4 pictures—pay special attention to the titles

Infinitive ---the basic form of a verb such as be or run. In English, an infinitive is used by itself, for example swim in She can swim (this use is sometimes called the bare infinitive), or with to (the to-infinitive) as in She likes to swim. ( P 1117 , Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary the 9 th Edition)

bare infinitive---infinitive without to

Task II .Different types of the infinitive (About 3 minus.)

to do

to be done ---passive form

to be doing

to have done

to have been done--- passive form

Negative forms : Put NOT before to

(not)to do (not) to be done (not) to be doing (not) to have done (not) to have been done

the basic functions of the infinitive

