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必修5《Lesson 4 Job Trends》精品PPT课件优质课下载

-- deal with texts with sentence gaps.

★ Use what we have learned to draw up your own future.

We are living in the process of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and witness robots applied across a wide variety of industry.

Some job areas have become less important in the last twenty years:

Some jobs have become more important:

Job areas: farming, coal mining, information technology,

ship building, services…

job areas

coal mining

steel production

Information technology

job areas

the media


Survival of the Fittest

natural selection

select the superior and eliminate the inferior(次的)

Definition: only the people or things that are best adapted to their surroundings will continue to exist

Reading strategies: Texts with Sentence Gaps

1. Read the text to get the general idea.

2. For each gap, find a sentence that matches the topic of the paragraph and links with the sentences before and after it.

3. Read the sentences before and after the gaps, thinking of clues about the missing sentence.

4. Then, look at the missing sentences and find out the linking words, if any.

a) On the other hand, the service industry, the media and information technology are booming.

Para.3: You don't need to be Einstein to predict the job areas which will be most affected by such change. Jobs in farming, coal mining and heavy industry are decreasing rapidly.______