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二. 单项填空 (本大题15分,每小题1分)


1. I think Maths is ________ useful subject.( )

A.a. B.an. C.the D./


2. She was so angry that she _______the classroom without _______ a word.( )

A.leaves; saying B.leaved; speaking

C.left; saying D.left; speaking


3. In the forest,you will ______ the birds sing if you _______ carefully.( )

A.hear,listen B.listen,hear C.hear,listen to D.listen to,hear


4. Mr.Wu teaches ________English.We all like ________very much.( )

A.we; he B.our; him C.me; them D.us; him


5. It's raining.Please keep the doors and the windows_______.( )

A.open B.opening C.close D.closed


6. ﹣﹣﹣Would you like to have _____________ to drink now?