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1. _______ boy in a white hat is my cousin. He often plays _____chess with my brother.( )

A.A; the B.The; / C.The; a D.A; /


2. ﹣What a nice car! Is it yours?

﹣Yes,I _____it for two months.( )

A.buy B.bought C.have had D.have bought


3. _______useful advice you give me! I will follow it and try to do everything best.( )

A.How B.How a C.What D.What a


4. My aunt Amy lives an active life. She looks as _____as she was ten years ago.( )

A.young B.younger C.youngest D.the youngest


5. ﹣Little Lily looks unhappy today.

﹣Don't worry. A box of chocolates will ______her_____. ( )

A.put; up B.wake; up C.cheer; up D.take; up
