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Ⅱ. 完形填空(共1小题,每小题15分,满分15分)


1. ????Students learn their lessons in class. In class (1)_______ teach them.Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher.This is a way of (2)_______.Is this the (3)_______ way for students to learn something??Of course not.There is (4)_______ way to learn.Students can teach (5)_______.For example,?if you can't remember something (6)_______ you are doing your homework,?you can look at your book to find the (7)_______.This is a way to teach yourself.And it is not a (8)_______ thing.We can do this at any place and at any time.

????How?do you teach yourself??The first thing you must do is (9)_______.Read something you are (10)_______ in,?or you have to read.The second is that you must ask yourself questions.The question is something you don't (11)_______,?or you want to know more about.You can write down these questions.A (12)_______ student is usually good at asking questions.The (13)_______ you must do is that you must answer the question yourself (14)_______ thinking hard,?by reading the text of other books,?and (15)_______ by asking other people.This is the way of teaching yourself.And you must do this all by yourself.If you keep doing like this for a long time,?you are sure to be successful in your study.


A.students B.teachers C.workers D.doctors


A.learning B.reading C.writing D.drawing


A.first B.second C.last D.only


A.other B.the other C.another Dothers


A.themselves B.ourselves

C.yourselves Dhimself


A.before B.after C.when D.because


A.words B.sentences C.answers D.articles