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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点六年级下册Lesson 17下载详情

人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 17》精品教案下载-东营市优质课

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时间40 m教 学 过 程意图Step One: Warming-up

1)Show a world map: Say some buildings in different countries.

T: During this unit, we learn about some particular names. Look, children. There’s a map of the world. They are all “buildings”: church, castle,Tower Bridge and the” Jinmen” of Tianjin. Are they amazing?

S: Yes.(Delete this part)

2)Think and say: Think for a while, name the shops students know.

Show “shops”, name them.

T: We learned some shops. Now, review:

What do you call them in English?

S: They are bookstore, grocery shop, hairdresser, clothes shop, food stall, shopping centre.

3) New“warming-up words”. Extend some words, make notes.

Step Two: Leading-in

Ask students about the shop(s) they like to go, then show the route of their neighbourhood and mine.

1)Teachers show an example to go somewhere:

T: You know, I like watching things in the shop. It makes me feel relax. Well. I’m going shopping in Kai de Mall today. Look, this is my route.(示范:从家出发去往某地的路线的英文表达)

I should go out of my home. First , turn left. Go straight along the main street, when I get to the Paris Baguette Bakery, I will see the Kaide Shopping Mall next to it.

2)Students work in pairs, try to make a reasonable way to go there:

T: Let’s do a small survey. Which shop do you like to go?

S: I like to go to ……

T: Well, I suggest you to make a reasonable route , tell us how to get there, OK ?


Show the route himself/herself.

Work in pairs, make a dialogue or a description, tell the route.

Show them the result: Give comments within A, B or C categories.

Ask students to comment on the “actresses” and “actors”.(Comment more)

Step Three: Presentation

Show the task.

T: You know, I live here, near Nan bei Avenue. Right?

It’s a little bit long for me to walk to school. How can I get to school, can you guess?

S: By bus? By subway?

T: Well, both. But I like going by bus. It’s convenient(方便). Look, what’s this?
