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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section A下载详情
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try one’s best, get in touch with, success, imagine, soup, cheese, biscuit, pancake


I think (that) we can have it on our school playground on Sunday.

I imagine (that) a lot of people will come to the food festival.


①—Shall we have a food festival and raise money to give to Free the Children?

—Good idea!

②—When and where shall we have the food festival?

—I think we can have it…

③—My task is to make a poster.


2. Skill aims:



3. Emotional aims:


. Teaching aids

多媒体课件;Craig Kielburger及 Free the Children 的海报或照片;需要帮助的人的照片或图片。

II. Teaching procedures

Stage1. Getting students ready for learning

Good morning, boys and girls! I have something to tell you. When I went shopping yesterday afternoon and met a poor granny at the gate of the supermarket. She is begging. In fact, there are many people who need help in the world.

Stage2.Show some pictures or posters of Craig, teach the new word: poster.

T: You are kind-hearted children. Thank you for your kindness. Just like you, there are a large number of kind-hearted people in the world. They have done a lot of things to help others. Now let’s know about a very kind man. Look at this poster. Who is he? Do you know him? Can you say something about him?

Lead in 1a.

T: OK, Now you know about Craig’s problem. Would you like to help him? Let’s discuss in pairs, and then we’ll see which pair has the best and the most ideas.

T: Hi, any volunteers? Which pair would like to show your opinions?


Ss discuss in pairs.

Stage3. While-listening
