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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级上册Unit 2 What is the best way to travel?下载详情
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了解各地风景名胜,热爱祖国的河山,选择合理、安全的出行方式。主动了解英语国家有关的旅游交通方面的信息,并将之与自己的日常生活联系起来,拓展视野,激发学习的兴趣。三、学生特征分析学生经过初中一年的学习在阅读和写作上有一定 基础;学生思维活跃,喜欢和同学交流,乐于表达自己,渴望达到同学和教师的赞许;学生对于ppt 的呈现形式感兴趣。语言表达尚可,书面表达还须进一步提高。四、教学策略选择与设计创造条件让学生去研究文本的 整体,寻找整体框架并在理解的全过程中发挥整体的功能。分析教学的重点和难点,提高学生分析语篇、解决语篇问题的能力,增强语言综合运用能力。力求学生体验学习词汇、结构,实践运用注意输入与输出一致。教学模式下设计活动,遵循三个原则:1.递进有效,对学生思维和语言能力培养要体现层次;2.保障个体学习时间,考虑学生参与的广度; 3.引导学生回归文本寻找根据。五、教学重点及难点本单元话题相关的key words; 提问出行方式的句子和相应答语 What’s the cheapest way to …?

The cheapest way is …六、教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图1. Warm up and Lead in

Look at a map of the teacher’s hometown and her workplace, talk about the ways to go to Qingzhou from Zouping and make a comparison between different ways.

1. How can I get there? ( take a bus/train/taxi or drive a car)

2.What is the most expensive way to get there?

3.What is the cheapest way to get there?

4.What is the most comfortable way to go there?The students work i n pairs and think about the questions and give advice to the teacher本活动的目的在于激活话题,为课文阅读提供引子,导入课文,通过题目谈论并预测文章内容。激发学生学习兴趣,调动学习积极性。2. Pre-reading

Show the class a picture of Europe and talk about itLook at the pictures and talk about them.

复习词汇和相关话题,能够初步了解文章大概内容,进一步熟悉本单元话题。3. While-reading

Activity1:First reading

How many ways to get from London to Amsterdam? What are they?

Number the pictures from the cheapest to the most expensive.

Activity 2:Skimming and scanning

Look at the table first and find out what kind of information you need to complete it. Read the passage carefully and underline the key information.

Activity3: Complete the table

Activity4: Read and write True or False.

Activity5: Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

Read the text quickly and do it.

Read and find out the answers quickly.

Read and answer, discuss about the answer of the third question in small groups.

The students act out “take a deep breath and smile”设计意图:锻炼学生快速阅读能力,把 握文章主要内容。

设计意图:逐一阅读并分析文中提及的三个英语学习的具体问题,利用阅读材料培养学生的细节阅读理解能力及大意理解能力。培养学生英语学习的策略性,锻炼学生英语表达能力。4. Post-reading

Try to retell the passage in your own words.

Retell the passage in front of the whole class设计意图:纵观课文,巩固课文中所学到的英语学习的方法,培养英语学习的策略性。5.Writing

Ask and answer about the ways of travelling. Use the information in the tableWork in groups and talk about different ways of travelling from London to Paris, pay attention to the superlatives of adverb and adjective.设计意图:让学生通过小组内同学的学习和探究增强学生相互之间的合作并培养他们乐于助人的精神。6.Homework

Write a composition about ways of travelling from London to Paris.让学生总结及对比比较级和最高级的用法并运用到自己的文章当中去。

