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外研2011课标版《Unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet.》新课标教案下载-温州市优质课

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Greetings. Show a model of the eight planets. Ask the students what the red star in the centre of the model is. The answer is obviously the sun. Then ask them what the blue-and-green planet is. To let them know more about the eight planets, show a picture of the eight planets with their names on the screen. Read together. After getting familiar with names of the eight planets, play a game.

Game. Show a quiz of knowledge of the eight planets to the students. Play the game: who answers the fastest. Tell students to raise up their hands as quickly as possible if they know the right answer. Every time, only one question will appear. Give the model as a gift to the student who performs the best in the first two parts.

Make a guess. Do you believe there are aliens? Show pictures and information of aliens in films and news to them. Discuss in groups for 1 or 2 minutes. Let three volunteers share their ideas with us. Use the structure: I think/don’t think there are aliens, because…

Step 2: Reading

Scanning. Ask students to try to get more information about life in the space in today’s article. Scan the article in 3 minutes. First, ask them to choose the title of the article. The next, try to get the main idea of each paragraph. While they are reading in silence, write down titles and headings on the blackboard. Draw a UFO with 5 windows, fill the 5 headings in these windows after scanning. After time has run out, let students give their answers and complete the UFO.

Careful reading. Use PPT to show them questions and blanks. The article can be divided into 3 parts. In each part, we have some questions. Students can find the sentences or words to answer. In each part, give them 2 minutes to read carefully and find the answers. Then let them choose true or false of some sentences.


After reading in detail and working on the above questions, let them remember the passage as much as possible. Set a time limit. Close the books, comparing with their partners, check how much they remember.

Step 3: Writing

Show them photos of Stephen Hawking. He once said it’s possible that there might be life on other planets. But he has no chance to verify his guess now. Let students write a letter to Mr. Hawking in the heaven. Imagine that you have been to Mars and met Martians. Tell him about what you saw.

Show them key words about how to describe life on Mars. They can imagine food, travel, language, hobbies, appearance and many other aspects of Martians. Give them an example. Discuss in groups and then write their own articles.

Share their works with the class.

Step 4: Homework

Search on the Internet for information of life in the universe. Try to collect news about aliens.

Think it over and then make a report of life in the space.

