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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级下册Unit 2 We have not found life on any other planets yet.下载详情
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2. Culture awareness

Cultivate students’?interest in astronomy and spirit in exploring the unknown world to make a contribution to their country.

3. Thinking ability

??Students are able to express their attitude towards space exploration

4. Learning ability

??Help students learn how to skim and scan and how to write a composition according to the pictures by using present perfect tense


The topic of Module 3 is about space, which?is an amazing topic for students. Students have a?great interest in exploring the mystery of the space. Unit 2 mainly talks about whether there is life on any other planets. Students will be able to learn knowledge about space and space exploration. What’s?more, they will also be able to describe a picture with the present perfect tense.?


Teaching Difficult Points

1. To finish reading tasks by using different reading strategies, skimming and scanning

2. To describe life on Mars

Teaching Key Points

1. To get the information about space and space exploration

2. To write?a composition about life on Mars


4.1 第一学时

4.1.1 感情先行 明确目标

1. Warm-up: Divide the students into several groups, tell them the best group will get the tickets and spaceship prepared for them.

2. Ask Ss to enjoy a video about the solar system.

Then ask them to answer some questions.


1.Pre-reading test (Round 1):

(1) Show Ss pictures of the universe, the Galaxy and the solar system. For the new ones, ask Ss to read by themselves with the

help of the teacher.

2. Some practice for Ss to finish

4.1.3知识为例,探寻方法: 理解文章

While-reading test (Round 2):

(1) Fast-reading: Ask Ss to read the passage by themselves and choose the best title. Give Ss a tip to help them find the best title quickly.

(2) Careful- reading:

