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人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)《Recycle 2》公开课教案下载-张家界市优质课

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1 Sing a song: Old MacDonald.

T: Mike and his classmates are going to Mr. MacDonald’s farm. Let’s go together.


2 Show Time

T: First, they come to vegetable farm. Do you remember what are these? They’re ... (Ss) Mike and his classmates learn a lot about vegetables. How about you? Let me check your homework. Are you ready for you show?

设计意图: 将第一课时的展示融入到本节课,对前面知识进行检测,为接下来的学习做铺垫。

二 Presentation

1 Animals at the farm.

T: And we know vegetables are healthy for our body. There are a lot of vegetables at the farm. What else at the farm. Oh! What’s that? Is that a...? (Ss猜)

设计意图:通过动物的叫声引出animal garden. 培养学生倾听,推断信息的能力。

T: Let’s get on the bus and have a look. At the same time. Let’s chant like this.

“What’s that? What’s that? Is that a...? Is that a...”

Oh! Look! Is it a ...? (Ss) Is it a...?(Ss)

T: At animals farm. They can see some...

2 Let’s talk

Look and guess.

T: What are they talking now? Guess! Try to fill in the blank.

Listen and answer.

T: What animals are they talking about? What are those? Listen and answer.(板书)


T: What are those? Are they...?(板书)

(3)Look and guess.

T: Mr. MacDonald has a lot of animals. How many horses does he have? Look and guess.


(4)Watch and check.

T: How many horses does Mr. MacDonald have? Watch and check.

设计意图: 带着问题观看视频。

三 Practice

Look and say.

What color are they? What do they look like?