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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(PEP)版三年级起点四年级下册Recycle 2下载详情
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Step 1 热身(Warming-up)

1. 播放录音,全班一起Let’s sing“Thunder” ,活跃课堂气氛。

2.教师问:What’s the weather like?学生回答天气。引出:Can you say any words about weather?复习天气单词。

3.T:Great!(指着图书馆)Look!Do you have a library?S:Yes,we do.T:Where is the library?引出学校,复习学校类单词。

3.Let’s play a game:Catch the bird.Practice:What time is it?

Step2 新课呈现(Presentation)

1. 学习Read aloud.

(1)课件出示Sarah的头像。T:Boys and girls,who’s that girl?S:She’s Sarah.T:Yes,this is Sarah’s friend.What will they do?Let’s listen.(播放录音).师生一起观看课本,教师问:They have a show. (猜一猜show的意思),另外举出fashion show,talk show...Let’s listen again.教师再问:Where is the show?What time is it?让学生找出答案。Then act it out.(予以奖励)

(2)T:They will watch the show.Look at the picture.Do you have any questions?根据学生提出的问题:What’s the weather? Where is the library?让学生带着问题去阅读,并尝试找出答案,教授jacket 一词。

(3)T:Let’s read in pairs.Can you read by roles?让学生两两一组,仿照课本进行对话,并在小组内进行表演,


T:They’ll go to watch the show.But suddenly,the weather turns terrible.Guess!What’s the weather like now?

Ss:It’s rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy.

T:Let’s listen.Where’s the library?

Ss:It’s on the first floor.

T:Let’s follow the tape and read.Why do they say:Oh,no!....Yes,the fashion show is canceled,so they feel it’s a pity.Can you act it out?


2.Three tasks:

(1)Task1:Read with the flash.跟着动画一起读。

(2)Task2:Read or act in pairs.

(3)Task3:Dub or act.配音或表演.(表演的时候配上音乐更有趣)

3.学习Look, ask and answer

(1) 让学生观察课本上的图片,然后请学生合上课本。教师依次提问,分小组口头回答问题。然后把问题的答案写在课本上。

(2)鼓励学生提出不同问题,如:Where is the teacher’s office?/ Do you have a music room?

Step 3: 巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension)

1.T:Boys and girls,It’s a pity that the show was canceled because of the rain .But I knew from Sarah’s school that the show will be hold tomorrow.And this is the notice .Can you introduce the notice to the foreigner friends?Look! I give you some tips.You should tell the time and the place,and the weather,and wish the guests a good time,Can you try?For example:We have the show at 6 p.m. in the gym.

The gym is next to the library.

Tomorrow will be warm.