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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Integrated skills下载详情
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I will be happy if I can make other people happy.

I want to be as famous as he is.

Who’s the boy/girl on the left/next to Peter?

Teaching procedures

Step1 Lead-in

1. Enjoy a song “My Dream Job”.

2. Free talk

What do you want to do when you grow up?

3. Play a guessing game: I would like to be ...

Show some phrases and expressions about four different people’s personalities, hobbies, abilities, dreams and ask the students to guess their future plans.

Step 2 Listening

1. Listen and and complete Part A1 (Task 1 Listen and tick)

(1) What would Nora like to do when she grows up?

Tip: find out the key words.

(2) Teach the new phrase “social worker”

Teacher shows some pictures about social workers, tells the students that social workers work to help people live a better life and they help to solve different problems.

2. Read and complete Part A2 (Task 2 Read and write)

Tip: use the information in A1.

3. Listen and complete Part A3 (Task 3 Listen and complete)

(1) Listening skills: predicting before listening; writing parts of the words; listening for key words.

(2) Introduce Xu Beihong and his paintings.

Explain the phrase “beautiful works of art”.

B Speak up: What’s he like?

Step 1 Presentation

1. Read the pictures

(1) T shows the pictures of Helen and Sandy and asks who Sandy is.

(2) Introduce the sentences: Sandy is the girl on the right.

Sandy is the girl with glasses/a ponytail.

(3) Teach the new word “ponytail”.

2. Listen and fill in the form (Task 4 Listen and answer)

