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师梦圆高中英语教材同步译林版模块四 Module IV Modern lifeReading(1):Not just watching a film…下载详情
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《Reading(1):Not just watching a film…》新课标教案优质课下载

According to the passage, _______________________ is the future of mobile payments, because it's ____________ and ____________.

According to the author, science will offer us _____________, ____________ and ___________ food to tables in the future.

With automation, restaurant owner Kimbal Musk has made contributions to food industry by ______________________________________.

Technology is shaping the way we travel may be by means of _________________________, _______________________ and ____________________.

The conclusion of this passage is _________________________________________________.

Task 2: Read Passage 2and answer the questions.

The main idea of this passage is __________________________________________________.

Read the passage in detail and judge.

A) Anything is possible in science fiction.

B) The only task of science fiction is to predict the future.

C) The Stone Sky, the first book in The Broken Earth series written by US author N.K. Jemisin, won the prestigious Nebula Award for Best Novel of 2017.

D) Real-life race issues are reflected in the novel ironically.

Read the passage in detail and answer.

A) Why did the Nebula Award recognize The Stone Sky?

B) What does the Earth look like in the book?

C) How do Essun and her daughter Nassun want to save the Earth?

D) How does the book reflect the real world?

E) How does the book make readers feel warm?

Task 3: discussion

Topic: what will the world look like in the future?

Student A: Hi, my name is ...... Nice to meet you.

Student B: Nice to meet you, too. My name is ......

Student A: In your mind, what will our world look like in the future?

Student B: I think......

Student A: Very interesting. I guess......

