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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section B 3a —4 Self check下载详情
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3. summarize the layout and language structure of the sample travel diary by using selecting listening skills and note taking skills;

4. write their own travel diaries.

Focus and difficulties:

Focuses: the layout and language structure of a travel diary.

Difficulties: write a travel diary Step1 Greeting and Leading in (1 min ) T’s Activities outline T—SsSs’ ActivitiesAims Use the program “Where are we going, dad?” to lead in the topic “vacation” of this unit.Bare the question “Where did Emily go on vacation?” in mind and answer it at the end of this class.Lead in the topic “vacation” and

“Where did Emily go on vacation?”Step 2 Preparing for listening and writing (3+7=10 mins) T’s activities outline Ss/Half/G Ss’ ActivitiesAims1.Verb revision: use actions to help enforce verbs’ past forms.Do actions and say the verb forms.

Review and enforce verb forms;

Get Ss ready for the sentence revision.2. Sentence revision:

Practice talking about pictures by using Emily did…, and/ but/ so she /it was…Controlled–Semi-controlled

—Freer practice the long sentences.

Review the sentence structureStep 3 Listening and Summarizing. (15 mins)T’s activities outline T-Ss-Sind-GSs’ Activities AimsRead Emily’s travel diary three times and ask Ss to finish three tasks by helping Ss use selecting listening skills and note taking skills.1. Finish the three tasks.

2. Read the sample diary and self-summarize.

1. Selecting listening skills and note taking skills.

2.Scaffolding for writing.Step 4 Writing (13 mins)T’s activities outline SsSs’ Activities Aims1.Writing skills.

2. Evaluation.1. Ss write their own diaries.

2. Sind. reads his/her diary

and Ss evaluate.Practice writing.Step 5: Homework(1 min)Edit their own travel diary and send email to me. 课后反思:

五. 板书设计:

Travel Diary


Weather? Where?


第 PAGE 2 页共4页

What (activities)

How(description) words)


