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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 2a—2e下载详情
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本节课,一条主线,三个环节。本节课贯穿的主线是“未解之谜”。首先,通过观看视频,学生会了解这个介绍世界未解之谜的节目Discovery,接着设计了一个比赛活动,激起学生参与课堂活动的兴趣。本节课的环节主要分为三个环节,每一个环节在设置了相应的学习活动。Step one-Talk about the mysterious thing 趣味猜测,引人入胜。Step two- Walk into the mysterious place预测文章,泛读精读,环环相扣。Step three -- Know about the mysterious world 给学生充分展示自我的舞台,同时培养了学生的探索精神。

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla

Section B 2a-2e

Stonehenge — Can Anyone Explain Why It Is There?

Teaching aims:

During and after this class, the students should be able to

1.get relative information while reading, such as the detail of a passage;

2.Make inferences by using must, might, could and can’t.

3.Know the usage of some new words:mystery, historian, midsummer, burial, honor, ancestor

4.Know the usage of linking word or phrases.

Teaching focus & difficulties:

1.Get relative information while reading

2. Identify conjunctions or phrases that link ideas together while reading

Teaching strategies:

Students will achieve the aims of

1. Making prediction from the pictures and title

2. Using conjunctions or linking phrases correctly

Learning strategies:

1. Working individually

2. Cooperating in groups

Teaching procedures:

Step One -- Talk about the mysterious thing

★Activity1 Guess what it might be.

★Activity2 Guess what might happen after that.

Ask the students to guess the things by using must/ might/ could/ can’t


紧扣本单元话题“Mysteries”,及功能“Make inferences”复习情态动词must/ might/ could/ can’t 的用法。

Step Two -- Walk into the mysterious place

★Activity1 Watch the video then answer questions.

What is it?
