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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版九年级全一册Section B 3a—3b Self check下载详情
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Tip2: Use the first person narration.

Tip3: Use the simple past tense.

Tip4: Use linking words to make the event clearer and more logical.

Tip5: Use descriptive words to make our sentences more detailed and vivid. 五、教学方法任务型教学法

2. 情景教学法

3. 写作指导法

六、教学过程Before you write

Step 1. Leading-in

T: As we know, time flies! We are going to graduate from Changyu Middle School soon. Right?

Ss: Yes.

T: During the past three years, I’m sure you have experienced a lot. And some of the experiences must be unforgettable for you. Yes or No?

Ss: Yes.

T: So today, let’s share our experiences. Look! This is our writing task.


Step 2 . Let’s analyze! (中考链接)

(初中三年的校园生活精彩纷呈, 总有一些经历是令你难以忘怀的。学校英语English Learning 正在以“My Unforgettable Experience”为主题向应届毕业生征文。请写一篇80—100词的英语短文,叙述你的一次难忘的经历,并谈谈你在其中的感悟和收获。短文首句已给出,不计入总词数。文中不得出现真实的人名和校名)

T: What’s the topic of the article?

Ss: My unforgettable experience.

T: What contents should we write in our article?

Ss: An unforgettable experience.

T: What kind of experience can make us unforgettable?

Ss: Something sad/happy/interesting/that makes us learn a lot/ that has a great influence on us …

T: What else should we write in our article?

Ss: How I feel and what I learn from the experience.

T: So it means our feelings and opinions. How do we feel about the experience?

T: The experience should be about the three years’ school life in junior high. So, what aspects can we write?

Ss: Something about our teachers/friends/schoolwork/school activities…

T: When we describe the experience, we should remember four “W”. What are they?

Ss: What? Who? When? Where?

T: Tip1: Your experience should include “What, Who, When, Where and How”.

