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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section A下载详情
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(1) Use English to ask ways and give directions.

(2) Understand the maps and the dialogues about the positions of the buildings

3. Emotional aims

(1)Know that helping others is helping ourselves and happiness lies in helping others.

(2) Understand that cooperation is very important in our study.

II. The key points and difficult points

1. Key points: how to ask ways and give directions in the dialogue.

2. Difficult points:how to describe directions and the places of buildings using the preposition phases

III. New design:

1. Take the advantage of the multimedia. I use a flash to lead in the class to attract the students’ interest and lead in the new topic. The whole class also ends with a flash to achieve the emotional aims. The original English flash can improve the students’ listening ability and arouse the students’ interest of learning English.

2. Use the brainstorm to review the language points we have learnt. It’s interesting and activates the mind of the students. It’s also the necessary preparation for the new knowledge.

3. Use a mind-map to summarize what we have learned in the class. The mind-map is colorful, vivid, explicit and well arranged.

4. In the practice part, I divide the students into eight groups. Each group represents a place. I make some signs of places before the class. The street is Gangtie Road and the river is Qili River. The students are familiar with them. They are happy to take part in the oral practice.

IV. Teaching procedures

Step 1:Lead-in

T: Good afternoon, class!

S: Good afternoon, teacher!

T: Today we’ll learn Unit 6 Our local area, Topic 3 How can I get to the library? Section A. Now before we learn the new lesson, let’s enjoy a flash to predict what we’ll learn today.

T: What happened to baby monkey?

S: He can’t find his way home.

T: Who helped him?

S: Kangkang.

T: If we go to a new city, we want to buy something, but we don’t know where the supermarket is. What should we do?

S: Ask ways.

T: We can ask ways and others will give you the directions. OK! Today we’ll learn how to ask ways and give directions.


Step 2: Brainstorm

T: Before we learn the new class, let’s review the words of places and the prepositions of places. One group speak Chinese and the other group speak English. (设计意图:复习这些学过的单词和短语为新课问路指路做好知识的铺垫工作。采用头脑风暴的形式打开学生的思维,采用小组互相提问的形式,调动学生的积极性。)

Step 3: Presentation