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师梦圆高中英语教材同步北师大版(2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 A Musical Genius下载详情
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统编北师大版高中必修第三册《Lesson 3 A Musical Genius》新课标教案教学设计下载

2. read for deep understanding

3. summarise information

4. learn about and practise word building


1. reading for deep understand

2. summarising information


1. What do you know about Ludwig van Beethoven?

(1) Read aloud the title of the lesson and the four questions. Discuss any difficult words or terminology.

(2) Students answer the questions independently as a benchmark assessment.

2. Scan the story and answer questions.

(1) Ask volunteer students to read the italicised paragraph and the first paragraph.

(2) Give students a few moments to correct their answers in Activity 1.

(3) Discuss the answers as a class.

3. Read and find out.

(1) Read the Skill Builder. Draw a diagram to show the main information of the passage and how the passage is structured. Let’s read the passage to find details on Symphony No. 9 and supporting sentences.

(2) Volunteer students read the story.

(3) In pairs, while listening, students add the details to the diagram. Support students as they complete the task.

(4) Encourage students to answer the questions in the Skill Builder about the passage that they have just read.

(5) Discuss the answers as a class.

4. Take notes and answer questions.

(1) Students volunteer to each read a few sentences of the text.

(2) Divide students into groups based on their reading level. Allow high level readers to read independently and complete the activity alone. Encourage middle level readers to read the account quietly and work together to find the answers. Support low level readers by listening as they read the account aloud and explaining unknown terms and tricky sentence structures. If necessary, provide sentence frames for low level readers to complete in order to answer the questions.

(3) Discuss the answers as a class.

5. Pair Work: Choose a topic to introduce to your partner.