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师梦圆高中英语教材同步人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet下载详情
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统编人教版高中必修第二册英语《Unit 3 The internet》集体备课教案教学设计下载

3. Instruct students to use functional sentences of the dialogue such as “how much time do you spend online every day? What do you usually do online? and so on to maintain the conversation appropriately.

4. Enable students to naturally use the functional and notional items of this unit to express their guess, expectation or belief.


1. Cultivate students’ listening strategies by learning ways to define new words.

2. Enable students to naturally use the functional and notional items of this unit to express their guess, expectation or belief.


Part 1: Listening and Speaking

Step 1: Lead in

The teacher is advised to talk with the meaning of the sentence in the opening page

Boys and girls, before our listening, let’s work in pairs and discuss:

The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.

How do you understand the sentence?

Have the Ss discuss and share their view.

(It means the Internet has made the world closer together; we can interact on the Internet just like meeting at the square.)

Step 2: Warming up

After their small talk, the teacher can ask students to talk about their online habits:

What do you usually do when you are online?

? write a blog post

? use a search engine

? Chat online

? Watch Stream movies and music

? ……

Step 3: Sam is doing a survey on online habits. He is now talking to his schoolmates Anna Paul, and Joe. Listen to the conversation and complete the following tasks.

Step 4: Activity 3 & 4

1. Then, play the tape again. And after finishing listening, the students need to solve the following tasks.