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高中必修第二册《Unit 5 On the road》优质课教案教学设计下载

1. 掌握本课的重要词汇与句式;

2. 引导学生理解课文内容,简单复述Eva一家旅行的经历,理解并掌握与旅行相关的表达,能够联系自身实际对某次旅行的经历进行描述;


1. 重点:本课时的重要词汇与句式

2. 难点:理解并掌握与旅行相关的表达,能够联系自身实际对某次旅行的经历进行描述。


Step 1 Lead in

Have the Ss read and answer the questions to see how much you know about Canada in Activity 1.

Step 2 Reading

1. Scan the email and write the places on the map in Activity 2.

(1) Have the Ss read the map carefully by themselves and judge the place on the map correctly according to the background.

(2) Get the Ss to read again quickly and write down the answers in the right place and then check them in whole class.

2. Pay attention to the language points in the passage:

(1) We made it!

make it 是固定搭配,意为 to be successful at something。

(2) My family and I have managed to cross the North American continent, from western to eastern Canada, in two weeks!

本句中的have managed to cross the North American continent相当于have succeeded in crossing the North American continent。课文中多处出现该用法,如第二段中...we managed to cross the Rocky Mountains.

(3) We started from Vancouver, where we picked up our vehicle for the trip – a home on wheels.

1) 本句中的where we picked up our vehicle for the trip – a home on wheels作为非限制性定语从句,修饰其先行词Vancouver,所以关系副词用where。文章中多次出现非限制性定语从句,如We reached Quebec on the eighth day, where most people speak French.和Well, actually, they speak Quebecois, which is a type of Canadian French.。

2) pick up意为to collect something that has been left elsewhere。

例如:I'll pick up my things later.(我过一会儿来取我的东西。)

(4) It was then that I realized her seat was empty!


强调句的基本句型结构为:It is/was+被强调部分+that(强调对象为物)/who(强调对象为人)+其他成分。例如:It was she who introduced me to the passion for studying English.(正是她使我产生了学习英语的热情。)

Step 3 Activity 3