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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级上册Story time下载详情
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2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇egg, cake, pie, sweet, hot dog.

3. 能学会怎么和自己的朋友分享食物,懂得分享,学会关爱。


食物是孩子们最喜欢的话题, 本节课所学内容正好与食物有关, 为了让孩子们在真实的情境中运用所学语言,激发他们主动参与的热情,课前我让孩子们带了一些与本课有关的食物。

Step1 Greeting:

1.T: Good afternoon, class.

T: I love you.

2. Look, there are some guest teachers here, too. What can you say to them?

Let’s say:“Nice to meet you.”together.

3. Today I invite a friend to be here to give us a magic show, let’s clap your hands to welcome her to give you a magic show.

4. Play the magic show

Look at this hat, A magic hat, and I want to play a magic show with you,

I want you to say one two three. 由魔术帽变出各种食物:egg, cake, pie, sweet, hot dog. 再由魔术帽将食物“变走”,让学生在自己的抽屉里寻找刚刚消失的食物

I want to play the magic game with you again, I will put all the food in your desk,one two three ,it’s missing. Now find the food in your desks.

5. The students who finds the food in their desks come to the front to be the little teacher to stick the words to the blackboard and lead the students to read the words together.

6. Wow, so many food here, would you like one ? Would you like a pie? If you want a pie, you can say: Yes, please. 学习Yes, please. Or you don’t want a pie ,you can say: No, thank you. 学习No, thank you. 学习What about a cake? What about a cake? Yes, please . / No, thank you.

7.Let’s chant. Say a chant with the students.

Would you like a pie? Oh, yes, please.

What about a cake? Oh! no, thank you.

Practice with the students for an example.

Work in groups with the food.(让孩子们用自己带来的食物操练chant)

8. T: Who are they? S:Liu Tao, Su Hai and Helen.

Watch the cartoon and answer the questions:

Who is the new friend ? Find the answer and tick the answer.

She’s Mike’s sister.

认识了Helen以后,怎么和Helen打招呼?引导学生学说“Nice to meet you.”

9. This time I want you to listen and choose “What would Helen like?”

Ss自读课文,用笔划出,朋友们向Helen分享食物的句子。最终找到答案: a cake.

引导学生理解:What about…?的意思:“… 怎么样?”

10. Reading time