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冀教版必修一《Unit 3 Men and Women: Different Roles in Society? Section 3: GRAMMAR MAKES SENSE》优秀教案设计

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冀教版必修一《Unit 3 Men and Women: Different Roles in Society? Section 3: GRAMMAR MAKES SENSE》优秀教案设计

2、Ability aims

1) Students are able to use the present participle as the adverbial correctly and properly.

2) Students can distinguish the difference in the usage of the present participle, the past participle and the infinitive used as adverbial.

3、Emotional aims

1) Cultivate the students’ ability of comparing and summarizing

2) Develop the students’ desire for exploring, the spirit of cooperation , and the ability of solving problems etc.

教学重难点(Key and difficult teaching points)

1、The structure and usage of the V-ing form

2、How to use the V-ing form as the adverbial correctly.

3. The difference in the the usage of the V-ing form, the V-ed form and the infinitive used as the adverbial.

教具准备 (Teaching aids)

Blackboard, multimedia, PPT

课时安排 (Teaching process arrangement)

Time period

(40 minutes) Activities Step1: 0-2 Lead-in:listen to a song and work out the lyrics Step2: 3-5 Revision: the usages of V-ing form learnt in previous unit Step3: 6-20 Grammar learning: 1. V-ing form as the adverbial (7’)

2. Comparison (9’) Step4: 21-31 Group competition: Grammar exercise Step5: 32-37 Individual practice: the V-ing form used in Writing Step6:38-39 Summary Step7: 39-40 Homework 教学方法(Teaching methods)

1. Inquiry-based teaching method: students are supposed to work out the grammar rules by observing and comparing the given examples

2. Cooperative learning and individual learning

教学过程(Teaching procedures)

Step 1 Lead-in (2 minutes)

Listen to the song carefully and write down the missing words on a piece of paper.

Take me to your heart

________ from the rain and snow,

________ to forget but I won't let go,

________ at a crowded street,