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Look at the picture and read the title. Then guess what the story is about.

One afternoon, Einstein was walking home from work. At the same time, a 12-year-old girl was walking home from school. They were soon walking side by side. The girl looked at him curiously from time to time.

“Pardon me,” the girl said, “but you look just like Albert Einstein.”

“That’s because I am Albert Einstein!” Einstein said.

“I don’t believe you,” the girl said. “Everyone knows that Einstein is a genius. But you’re wearing your sweater backwards, so you can’t be very clever.”

Einstein began to laugh. “You’re the first person to be so honest with me,” he said to the girl. “It’s a pleasure to hear someone tell me the truth about my look.”

Einstein and the little girl

After that day, the girl often went to visit Einstein’s house after school. One afternoon, the girl’s mother went to visit Einstein. She asked him why he spent so much time with her daughter.

“Our friendship is easy to explain,” Einstein said. “Your daughter tells me the truth about my look and brings me cookies. In return, I help her with her Maths homework.”

Read the story and divide it into five parts. Then summarize the main idea of each part.

Opening: Paragraph 1 Einstein met a girl on his way home from work.

Rising action: Paragraphs 2–3 The girl told Einstein that he looked like Albert

Einstein and Einstein said he was the guy.

Turning point: Paragraph 4 The girl did not believe he was the real Einstein

because she thought the way he wore his sweater

showed that he was not clever.

Falling action: Paragraph 5 Einstein liked the girl because she told the truth

about his look.

Ending: Paragraphs 6–7 From then on, Einstein and the girl became

good friends and they always helped each other.

Where did Einstein and the little girl meet each other?

Why did the girl not believe Einstein?

Why did the girl’s mother go to visit Einstein?

What made Einstein and the little girl become friends?

A Read this story again and then answer the questions below.

They met each other on their way home.

Because Einstein was wearing his sweater backwards, the girl thought he could not be very clever./Because she thought everyone knew that Einstein was a genius, but he was wearing his sweater backwards.

She wanted to ask him/wanted to know why he spent so much time with her daughter.

The girl told Einstein the truth about his look and brought him cookies. In return, Einstein helped the girl with her Maths homework.

In groups, discuss the questions below.
