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外研版(2019)选择性必修四《Unit 3 The world meets China》Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas优秀教学课件

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外研版(2019)选择性必修四《Unit 3 The world meets China》Section A Starting out & Understanding ideas优秀教学课件


主题语境——人与社会 历史、社会与文化

Chinese Surveying Team Reaches Mount Qomolangma Summit

A Chinese surveying team reached the summit of Mount Qomolangma on Wednesday morning to conduct① a series of surveys on the pinnacle(顶点) of the planet.The event marked a crucial step in China’s mission to remeasure the height of the world’s highest peak,which scientists believe will enhance human knowledge of nature and help boost scientific② development.After summiting,team members began erecting a survey marker on the snow-covered peak,

which measures less than 20 square metres.?

The measurement was jointly organised by the Ministry of Natural Resources,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,the General Administration of Sports of China and the regional government of the Tibet autonomous region.

The 1st Geodetic Surveying Brigade under the ministry,as well as members of the China Mountaineering Team,are the two parties undertaking the challenging③ mission,according to Wang Yongfeng,deputy head of the mountaineering sports management center with the sports administration④.

Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949,Chinese surveyors have conducted six rounds of scaled measurement and scientific research on Mount Qomolangma and released the height of the peak twice in 1975 and 2005,with findings of 8,848.13 metres and 8,844.43 metres respectively.

In 1975,when the Chinese mountaineering team scaled Mount Qomolangma,no professional surveyors reached the top.But the mountaineers took a survey marker to the summit,which helped surveyors from nine observation⑤ stations near the mountain to calculate⑥ it stood 8,848.13 metres high.

The surveyors will use a global navigation⑦ satellite system receiver,a gravimeter,snow-depth radar and a meteorological measuring instrument to determine the height of Qomolangma.

Innovations⑧ applied in the latest survey include the application of the BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System,domestic surveying equipment,the airborne gravimeter and 3D interactive virtual reality.

The year 2020 marked the 60th anniversary of the first successful expedition to Qomolangma from the Tibet side and the 45th anniversary of China’s first accurate measurement of Qomolangma’s height.


①conduct vt.实施

②scientific adj.科学的

③challenging adj.挑战性的

④administration n.管理;行政

⑤observation n.观察

⑥calculate vt.计算

⑦navigation n.导航