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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版七年级上册Lesson 6 Things for School下载详情

七年级上册(衔接三年级起点)(2012年7月第1版)《Lesson 6 Things for School》新课标教案下载-萍乡市优质课

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A)Use the expressions to make a list and describe the list.

B) Key sentences

What things do we need for school? We need to buy…for school.

What about your new school?

Can I buy all the things at the store?

2.Ability aims: Reading ,understanding and using

Listening: Be able to listen and using the numbers.

Speaking: Talk about the list and make oral pratice.

Reading: Read the e-mail

Writing: Make a shopping list.Process and methods

Process: 教师引导学生通过小组合作与体验式教学模式完成教学任务

Methods:情境教学法、任务型活动法Attitude and feeling sense of value

To help students know more about list and background.

To help the students cooperate and communicate with others.Important

pointsMake a shopping list.Difficult

pointsReading and using the strategies to answer the questions.Teaching

aidsMulti-media 、colorful chalk and some school things. Teaching Procedures

Teaching ProceduresTeacher’s ActivityStudents’ ActivityDesign purpose

Lead inWarm up the class

Lead Ss to talk about places in our school.Greet teachers.

Talk about our school and revise the words they learned.以我们学校很棒来切入师生互动,通过学生熟悉的学校场所导入下课,同时复习本节课使用的旧词汇。

Show a schoolbag and let them guess.Practice the school things and lead to the numbers.


Step 1

Help students describe school things and learn the numbersObserve the school things and numbers to practice the structures.

Understand and know about list.

Read and master the numbers.

引导学生通过自主观察发现学习技巧与方法,自然导入shopping list的主题。Step 2

Help the students practice the simple conversation in pairs.

Talk about the school things in pairs.

