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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版七年级上册Lesson 13 Body Parts下载详情
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Can you do my homework for me?

2. Use the words and sentences to describe one’s body parts.

*Teaching Methods:

1. Play a “Touching” game to review body parts.

2. Do some exercises in groups to practice.

3. Sing a song and do the actions to have fun.

*Teaching Aids:

Multi-media, Task-paper

*Teaching Procedures:

Step I. Greetings

Step II. Lead-in

Show a picture of Shrek to review some body parts.

Play a “Touching” game to practice.

Step III. New task

Learn the new words.

Listen to the text and follow to read.

Try to label Robin’s body parts..

Listen to the text again and then fill in the blanks.

1. I have two big ______. I can _____with them.

2. I have one nose and one ______.

3. I don’t have ______ but I can ______ you.

4. I can make noodles with my long arms and _____ hands.

5. I have two long legs and two big feet. I’m a good football ______.

Read the sentences and guess the body parts.

1.You have only one.You can smell with it. It’s a_______.

2. You have only one.You can talk with it. It’s a_______.

3. You have two.You can walk with them. They are_______.

4. You have two.You can see with them. They are_______.

5. You have two.You can hear with them. They are_______.

Do some exercises to practice the key point in use.


