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七年级上册(衔接三年级起点)(2012年7月第1版)《Lesson 41 Holidays》最新教案下载-庆阳市优质课

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Hello,everyone.Here are some beautiful pictures. They are from our students. Now let’s play a guessing game. I will ask 4 students to come to the blackboard. And then let he or she choose one picture from all the pictures and guess what day it is and when it is. Who wants to have a try? Hands up

New Year’s Day元旦Spring Festival春节

International Workers’ Day国际劳动节

Children’s Day儿童节Teachers’ Day教师节National Day 国庆节

Ok , very good. You all did a great job.Congratulations.

Please turn to page 102 .Let’s look at Lesson 41 Holidays.

2.look at teaching aims.And learn the new words one by one.

3.Presentation:Enjoy some beautiful pictures again and review the names and dates of the important holidays.

二.Asking and studying:

Part 1.Happy New Year!

Li Ming is presenting his report about holidays.

Good afternoon. Today is Tuesday, December 20. The weather is cold and cloudy.

I would like to talk about holidays in China. Holidays are fun. We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays. We have many holidays in china. International Workers' Day is in May. We have Children’s Day on June 1 . Teachers' Day on September 10. National Day is on October 1, and the Spring Festival is usually in January or February.

New Year’s Day is on January 1. It’s only eleven days from today. Happy New year to you, everyone.

1.Read Li Ming’s report together and answer the following questions.

What’s the weather like on December 20?

It’s cold and cloudy.

2. What would Li Ming like to talk about?

He talks about holidays in China.

3. What can we do during holidays?

We can play with our friends and get together with our families.

4. What holidays do we have in China?

We have New Year’s Day, the Spring Festival, International Workers’ Day, Children’s Day, Teachers’ Day, and National Day.

Ask one to present Li Ming’s report in front of the classroom.

Find the language points from the report.

Listen and fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.

watch a movie看电影

go shopping购物

go to the zoo去动物园

go mountain climbing爬山

