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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版七年级下册Lesson 15 Making a Difference下载详情
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·学习策略与思维技巧 Students can build up the writing frame step by step and write a story about“Making a difference”.·情感态度与价值 Students can learn to express the determination of working hard and making a good life.

四、教学重点难点·教学重点Retell the story of Hao Tongxin by themselves.·教学难点Express the determination of working hard and making a good life.t五、教学方法

(学法)The task-based teaching

The heruristic teaching

The multimedia aided teaching

Mind map assisting reading and writing.

六、教学媒体运用The multimedia 七、教学过程设计教学环节1教学过程 Lead –in教师活动 Lead in the class showingsome pictures of our school and some of the classrooms in the poor area.学生活动 Talk about the feelings of our school and their classrooms.设计意图 Contrast the learning environment between us and the poor. Let the students know there are also some children learning in the environment like this. In order to lead in the topic of this passage.

教学环节2教学过程Preparation for reading教师活动Show a picture of a poor boy. Introduce his hometown to lead in the new words“village”.Then by asking“What is he doing ?”,lead in the phrase of“drop out of school”.Then show a picture of Su Mingjuan in order to practice the phrase of“drop out of school”and lead in the phrase “give up”。Question : What is she thinking about? Will she give up her studies at last?

Next, show a picture of a hope school to answer the question above and lead in “with a good education I can…….”let the students practice this sentence.

At last, through the story of Su Mingjuan , lead the students to practice “make a difference’’.

After those ,show the title of this lesson.

学生活动Practice the word“village”and the phrase“drop out of school”“give up”“make a difference”设计意图Clear some vocabulary obstacles and lead in the title.教学环节3教学过程Listen and fill in the blanks.

教师活动Listen to his story twice and fill in the blanks.

a. I live in a small__________.

b. I′m in Grade _____.

c. I want to _________________in the future.学生活动Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks about Hao Tongxin设计意图Help the students know something about Hao Tongxin.教学环节4教学过程Read the passage and find out the answers.教师活动What did he want to do last year? Why?

What does he never do now? Why?学生活动Read the passage fast and find out the answers.

设计意图 The students can find out the difference between last year and now.教学环节5教学过程Read again and answer.

教师活动1.Who made a difference in his life?

2.What did she say?

学生活动Read the passage again and find out the answer.设计意图Lead the students master the story completely.教学环节6教学过程Retell the story.教师活动 Retell the story with the students with the help of the mind map on the blackbord.学生活动Retell the story with the mind map.设计意图With the mind map and some key words, students can introduce Hao Tongxin more easily. During retelling the story, they can learn more about how to describe the characters .

教学环节7教学过程Dissect the characters教师活动Let the students talk about the two characters in the story and who do they like better.学生活动 Talk about the character they like better.设计意图To realize the emotional goals of this passage. And help the students practice expressing their idears.教学环节8教学过程 Introduce the volunteers.教师活动Show a video about the volunteers.学生活动Watch the video and find out “What are they doing in the video?”设计意图Lead in the volunteers aims at building up the consciousness of making a difference in other’ lives. Then pave the way for writing.

教学环节9教学过程 Group work: finish the min map and write.教师活动 Show some pictures about a poor boy and a mind map.

学生活动Finish the mind map about his hometown, classroom, score, way to school and our help.Then write a story about him设计意图With pictures and mind map, students can finish writing more easily. Lead them to build the mind map before writing.

教学环节10教学过程Homework教师活动Show the homework : Please write down your story and share with us.

1.Who makes a difference in your life?Your parents? Friends? Teachers? Volunteers? Or any other people?

2.What did she/he say?

3.What did she/he do?

4.How dose she/he change you?

设计意图Practice writing.八、板书设计 Lesson 15 Making a difference


