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七年级下册(衔接三年级起点)(2012年12月第1版)《Lesson 15 Making a Difference》新课标教案下载-宝鸡市优质课

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导入语:Good morning, class. How are you? Today, we are going to learn:

Lesson 15 Making a Difference


过渡语:First ,let’s read the learning goals together.

1.我要掌握单词和句型:difference, village, education, drop, -- ; make a difference--


过渡语:I believe everyone can achieve your goal? Can you ? Let’s begin .


过渡语:First look at the guides carefully and then finish the tasks step by step.


1.熟记单词,完成自学检测(1) 2.读课文,完成自学检测(2)和Let’s do it




(4)____________________(5)___________________ (6)__________________



1.be different from 和---不同 2.make a difference 有影响;有作用 3.give up 放弃4.get/have a(an)---education 接受---教育 5.drop out of school退学 辍学 6.as--as possible 尽可能--- 7.in this way 用这种方法 8.miss school 旷课,缺课 9.in the future 在将来 10. in future 今后,从今以后


过渡语:After learning ,do you have any questions? If you have some questions, put up your hands.请你把自学过程中的问题提出来,然后在班内解决。--------


过渡语: Next ,let’s learn and discuss some important language points.


探究一:I live in a small village. (我住在一个小的村庄里面。) village ,村庄,乡村 What do you think of our village? 你认为我们村庄怎么样? 拓展:villager 村民 辨析: village乡村, town城镇,city城市

探究二:She doesn’t want anyone to drop out of school. (她不想任何人退学。) drop (1)放弃 Don't drop anything for me! 别为了我放弃任何东西! (2)掉下 He dropped his pen on the ground. 他把他的笔掉在地上了。 (3)滴,少量 There isn’t a drop left. 一滴也不剩。

探究三:She always helps us in every possible way. (她总是用每一种可能的方式帮助我们。) 1. possible 可能的 It is possible for her to do that. 她那样做是可能的。 拓展: impossible 不可能的 Nothing is impossible。没有什么是不可能的。 2. way (1)in this way 用这种方法。 You can solve the problem in this way . (2)on one’s way to 在某人去某地的路上 On my way home , I pass a bookstore. (3)the way to do 做某事的方法。 Can you tell me the way to learn English well ? (4)by the way 顺便说一下 By the way , what is the time now?

探究四:Now I never miss a day of school. (现在我从来不会错过在学校的每一天。) miss (1)想念 I miss you very much . 我非常想念你。 (2) 错过 I missed the early bus in the morning.今天早上我错过了早班车。 (3)(用于姓名或姓之前,对未婚女子的称呼)小姐 Good morning , Miss Wang.早上好,王小姐。

探究五:With a good education, you can make a difference. (一个好的教育对你会有影响。) make a difference 有作用,有影响 difference (1)区别 What difference does it make? 这有什么区别吗? (2)差异 Is there any difference in price? 价格方面有什么差异吗? 拓展:different 不同的? be different from 与…不同 My coat is different from yours.我的外套与你的不同。

探究六:Last year, I wanted to give up my studies. (去年我想放弃我的学习。) give up 放弃 Never give up learning. It’s never too old to learn. 永远不要放弃学习。活到老,学到老。

探究七:Then you can help your family, friends and other people. (然后你就能够帮助你的家人,朋友和其他人。) help (1)help sb. (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 Can you help me clean the classroom? 你能帮助我打扫教室吗? (2)help sb. with sth帮助某人做某事 I would like you to help me with my English.我想让你帮我学英语。 (3)help作名词,不可数 Thanks for your help.


