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冀教2011课标版(衔接三年级起点)《Lesson 15 Making a Difference》公开课教案下载-兴安盟优质课

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get a good education,

drop out of school,

in every possible way,

in the future

Teaching difficult points

Ss could try to retell the text with the help of the teacher.

Teaching aids


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Review

Some questions from part 2 in “Let`s Do It” in page7.

Step 2 Learn the new words.

According to the new words then make many phrases. Eg: make a difference, a small village, get a good education, give up oneself, drop out of school, in every possible way, in the future,(make a list of them on the blackboard)

Step3 Lead into the new lesson.

1 T: Last lesson we learnd about Jenny`s school life . Today let`s learn about Hao Tongxin`s

2 Come into the new lesson

Let students review the new words and the phrases. Then listen and finish part 1 in “let`s Do It”(two times)

3 Students change their books each other . Then read the text and check their answers.

4 According to those phrases. Then let students retell the text following teaching.(They must pay attention to the list of the phrases on the blackboard.)

Hao Tongxin lives in a _________(小村庄). He wants to ________(放弃)himself and ____________(辍学)school. But his teacher gives him hope. He helps him__________________(尽可能的用了各种方法) way. At last, he wants to _________________(接受好的教育). He never give up himself. He wants to _____________(产生影响)in the future just like his teacher.

5 Finish part 3 in “let`s Do it

Step4 Explain “sometimes, usually, often,always,never”的用法,通常用于一般现在时态中,置于be动词之后实意动词之前,称其为频度副词,never 含有否定的意思在其中。

Step 5 Finish part3 in“ Let`s Do It”.

Step 6 Sum up and retell the text again. Then tell students they should value their chance of education.

Step7 Homework

Write the main idea of this text down .


