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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版七年级下册Lesson 19 A Dinner Date下载详情

七年级下册(衔接三年级起点)(2012年12月第1版)《Lesson 19 A Dinner Date》新课标教案下载-晋江市优质课

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②.Master the sentence structures with “be going to”.

3. Emotion objectives:

Through learning this text, make sure the students can share their plans for the future with their classmates. Arouse their interests in English by talking with each other with some simple sentences.




Simple Future Tense & Present Continuous Tense



活动1【激趣导入】Warming-up & Greetings:

Greet the students. Good moring, boys and girls. How are you today? Let’s have fun playing a guessing game.(some students do some actions ,some students guess what activities they are.) Can you tell me what you like to do after school? Ask the students what they are interested in. Give them some activities to choose. Then introduce the new unit. Write after-school activities on the blackboard and discuss.


1. New words: Show some pictures ,Discuss their after-school activities and then lead in the new word” activity” Introduce two kinds of activities: volleyball and chess to the students. Later, introduce the other new words one by one.

2.showing a canlendar of May,then tell students teacher’s plan for this week.Use new words and “be going to”to talk with students. present new sentences :What are you going to do this week?

I’m going to …on Monday/Tuesday…

3.Listening comprehension:

Show two canlendars,they belong to Steven and Tim.Let students find the correct owner.

4. Reading comprehension:

Now, read the lesson and write down Steven’s and Tim’s schedule for the week. Discuss the answers as a class. Check the answers together. Then fill in blanks.

Jim wants to invite Steven to have a dinner onTuesday, but Steven is going to have .What about Wednesday?Jim is going to the after school .

How about Thursday?

Steven is busy today,he is going to at the Old Age Home.Maybe Friday?but Steven has math classes on Fridays.On weekends,Jim and his father are going to the countryside to trees.Oh,They are both all week.On evening,they both have to do. They are going to have a dinner together.


Acting time.Let students make a dialogue about the plans for this week.

A:Would you like to come over for dinner....?

B: sorry, I can’t. I am going to ....

A: What about ...?

B: I am going to ....

A: What are you going to do ....?

B: Nothing.


