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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版八年级上册Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week下载详情

八年级上册(衔接三年级起点)(2013年7月第1版)《Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week》精品教案下载-眉山市优质课

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Listen and tick the correct answers:

1. Jenny’s team ________ the football game.

□won □lost

2. Last Saturday, Jenny’s mother bought her ________.

□ a pair of pants and a blue dress □a pair of jeans and a purple blouse

3. In English class, Jenny talked to a girl from ________.

□Hong Kong □the U.K.

4. Jenny will go to ________ with Mary next Sunday.

□ buy some new clothes □watch a movie

5. Jenny’s cousin Brian will stay in Canada for _________.

□one year □ two years

Listen again and fill in the blanks:

Today we played football after school.Steven and I were on one team,and Sandra and Danny were on________ .It was a fair competition.

The______was four to three.We lost.Last Saturday,my mother bought a pair of     for me.She also bought me a purple blouse.In English class this morning,I had the      ________of talking to Mary. She ________me to go to the movies with her next Sunday.Her parents work in a________ restaurant.

Task reading:

1. Brain arrived from the U.K. (T/F)


2. How did Jenny feel after the football competition?


3. Must the students in Jenny’s school wear school uniforms?


4. Where will they have supper?


5. I had the pleasure of talking to Mary. (翻译汉语)


Group Work:

Talk in your groups

Tell your classmates something about your first two weeks of school.

(You can talk about your subjects, teachers, classmates or classroom. Maybe you can

tell a funny story.)

