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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版八年级上册Unit Review下载详情
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? Task3: How to go to the park? Now, please look at the picture , Han Mei and her little brother are going out . Where are they going ? Look here ! What place is this ? It’s a park .The park is not far from Han Mei’s house .How can they get to the park ? Can you guess what the first transportation is ? Yes ,it’s walking . When they walk ,we say they walk to the park ,or they go to the park on foot . And the second one? Yes ,they can take a bus . When they take a bus , we say they take a bus to the park ,or they go to the park by bus / on a bus . And other ways ? Yes , they can also ride a bike . When they ride a bike , we say they ride a bike to the park ,or they go to the park by bike / on a bike.

? Revision and notes. Let’s review the key points :We have made some sentences in two structures .First, go to somewhere by certain transportation / on a certain transportation . Please look here .we can say on a certain transportation or on one’s certain transportation .For example , He goes to school on a bike or He goes to school on his bike .Can you make an example like this? Second , take/ ride a certain transportation to somewhere .


? Task4: How to go to Hong Kong? This time , Han Mei and her little brother will go to Hong Kong , As we know , Hong Kong is very far from here . Let’s think about it .How can they get there? And how can we say ? When they take a plane ,we say they take a plane to Hong Kong ,or they go to Hong Kong by plane /on a plane . What about a car ? We can say they take a car to Hong Kong or they go to Hong Kong by car /in a car. Please look here , we must say in a car , but not on a car .When we use car / taxi ,we must use in ,but not on . The last ,they can also take a train to Hong Kong ,or go to Hong Kong by train /on a train .

Step??4: summary

? Task?5: ?work?out?the?rule. Generally speaking , we have three ways to say types of transportation ①.we can say go to somewhere by certain transportation ,and please do remember that there is nothing between by and transportation ②. we say go to somewhere on a /one’s certain transportation .When we use a car or taxi , we must say in a car /taxi . ③. we say ride a bike /motobike /horse to somewhere or take a certain transportation to somewhere .When we walk we can say we walk to somewhere or we go to somewhere on foot.


Do?the?survey : What ‘s your favourite type of transportation? Try to make a report about the survey.


在进行本课内容呈现时,我是先结合目前正是春天来临,是出行的好时候,詹尼和她的弟弟要去附近的公园游玩。他们如何去公园呢?我分别设计了步行、乘公共汽车和骑自行车三种方式,通过用英语说这三种出行方式,和用不同句型结构分别表达这三种出行方式来对比,并形成初步的规律go to somewhere by certain transportation / on a certain transportation和take/ ride a certain transportation to somewhere。

紧接着我设计了对知识点的操练和进一步细化的点拨:This time , Han Mei and her little brother will go to Hong Kong. .How can they get there? And how can we say ? 引起进一步的思考,并分别用刚才初步总结出的句子结构来表达乘飞机、乘小汽车和乘火车去香港的英语表达方式。不但操练了句型的结构,拓展了对更多交通工具的认识,而且特别提出了When we use car / taxi ,we must use in before it. 对这一考点和易错点做了特别的强调。由于是对相对较为枯燥的语法的讲解,这里我特别用图片来吸引学生的注意,既降低了学习的难度。

最后在summary中,我更加细致的将结构拆分为三类:①go to somewhere by certain transportation. ②. go to somewhere on a /one’s certain transportation. ③.we say ride a bike /moto-bike /horse to somewhere or take a certain transportation to somewhere. 并特别强调by+交通工具 、in a/ one’s car (taxi) 等易错点,使听课者对这部分内容的掌握层层深化。

因为微课时间有限,不能进行更多的练习。不过,根据本课内容我还设计了让听课者采访同班同学最喜欢的交通方式,并作一篇关于它的小报告的课后作业以巩固、强化。教学反思从整节课来看,我觉得它有这样几个特点:1. 这节课的讲解语气平缓,并在重点的部分或放慢速度,或加强语气,或在课件中勾画强调,使听课者比较易于掌握其内容。2.虽然这节课是以讲为主,但是,在讲解的同时无论是从语言设计和情境创设上都注重了与听课者的情感交流。3. 比较舒缓的语气和优美的背景音乐使听课者在比较轻松的氛围中获取了知识,陶冶了性情。

