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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版八年级下册Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet?下载详情

八年级下册(衔接三年级起点)(2013年11月第1版)《Lesson 19 How Do You Use the Internet?》最新教案下载-商丘市优质课

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Learn some words and expressions to talk about how we use the computer and the Internet.

Type of lesson: new lesson

Teaching Procedure:

Ⅰ. Review

Check some words and phrases in Lesson 19: technology, keyboard, desktop, tablet, invitation, industry.

Ⅱ.Lead In

1. What can you do on a computer?

2. How do you use the Internet?

3.Can you name the parts of a computer?

Ⅲ. New Content

Step1. Showing the teaching aims on the blackboard and asking students to read them together.

Step2. Read the text and answer the questions.

(1) What does Jenny like to use the Internet to do?

She likes to use the Internet to read about sports and technology.

(2) What does Danny like doing?

He likes chatting with his friends online.

(3) How many people are following Danny’s blog?

500 people.

(4) What can Danny and his friends do if they want to have a meeting?

They can send the invitation online.

(5) What does Brain like doing on the Internet?

He likes doing research for his work.

(6) How will Brain send his research to his Grandpa?

By e-mail.

Step3. Finish number 1 of Let’s Do It.

Let students read the text again. At the same time, the teacher walks around to see if they need any help. Then check the answers.

Step4. Deal with the language points.

Step5.Finish number 2 of Let’s Do It.

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.


