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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版九年级全一册Lesson 13 Be Careful, Danny!下载详情
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﹨* MERGEFORMAT ① To know the importance of safety and obey the safety rules

﹨* MERGEFORMAT ② To help and care for each otherTeaching important points ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ① Master the words & expressions for safety,accidents, first aid and self protection.

﹨* MERGEFORMAT ② Functions: Reminding and warning.

﹨* MERGEFORMAT ③ Grammar:Imperatives

Teaching difficult points ﹨* MERGEFORMAT ① Grammar:Imperatives

﹨* MERGEFORMAT ② To enable the students to understand the passages related to safety and first aid by listening,speaking,reading&writing.Teaching methodscommunicative approach , multi-media approach ,practice method ,

competition method,working in groupsTeaching aidsPowerPoint,multi-media, worksheets ,little blackboards Teaching proceduresTeacher

Write the learning paper

(before class)

Step 1 3min Showtime (3min)

Ask one of the groups to give a short English talent show.

Step 2 Lead in (3min)

T :Serious accidents happen almost every day. They may happen anywhere at any time .They threaten people`s safety,especially natural disasters like earthquakes.So it`s very important to learn something about first aid and self protection .Now let`s have a discussion about the following questions :What can we do to avoid these accidents or disasters? How can we protect ourselves? If we met an accident,how should we give first aid?

Step 3 Listening (5min)

1.Instruct the Ss to go through the materials.

原文:Every 30 seconds there is an earthquake.But don`t worry because most earthquakes are so weak that they can not be felt.Only a few big ones hurt people.Here are some tips on how to keep safe in an earthquake.

First,if you are indoors during an earthquake,hide under a desk.Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you .

Second,if you are outdoors,move to an open place.Try to be away from trees,signs,buildings and streetlights.These could fall on you.

Third,when an earthquake stops shaking,be careful because it hasn`t ended ,yet.So stay under the desk until you make sure it`s safe to get up.

Finally,if you are at home and you smell gas,open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as you can. If you only open the windows,a gas line i you house may be broken.That could be very dangerous.

2.Play the listening materials

3.Check their answers as a class.

Step 4 Sharing their collections (5min)

Ask the students to share their collections in groups first and then show them in class.

Give the students some help if they need.

Step 5 Making mind maps (8min)

Guide the students in making mind maps.

prevent...from escape from

Step 6 Grammar &structures(5min)

1. Grammar:Imperatives
