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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版九年级全一册Lesson 57 Best Wishes下载详情
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3)Reading:Students can understand the graduation cards quickly and well.

4)Writing: Students can write some graduation cards in English.

Teaching important points:

Master the words and structures in this lesson.

Learn how to write the graduation cards.

Teaching difficult points:

To write about their graduation card




Teaching steps:

Step1. Greeting

Step2. Leading-in

1.T: what’s the date today?(June the 2nd)

You will graduate from our junior high school. And then you will go into senior high school[teach new word “senior”]

Show some pictures about students’ school life.

Using the structures” I remember the first day you came to school”

“ I also remember you attended military training”

“I will never forget...” to describe the picture.

4.Interview several students “How did he/she feel at that time?”

[T:I remember when I came to our school for the first day , I found a wallet. Do you know whose wallet it is?The owner of the wallet is a teacher of our school.] show a picture of a wallet to teach the new word”wallet”. at the same time, teach “owner”

T: There are also many good memories in Steven, Jenny, Brian, Danny and Kim school life. What did they write on their graduation notes?

Step3. Listening

1.Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks

2.Check the answer.

Listening material

I remember the day when Brian and I found a ______ in the park.

We waited there for hours to get it back to its ________.

2.I’ll miss all of you. Be sure to always ________________.

3.It won’t be easy to ______ all my friends in Canada. Though we
