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师梦圆初中英语教材同步北师大版七年级下册Reading: A Dangerous Job; Safety First下载详情
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Show a picture of Jim. Jim is a fireman. Is his job dangerous?

Do you think that being a firefighter is very dangerous,

quite dangerous,


a little bit dangerous,

not very dangerous

or not dangerous?

Then show six pictures and ask:

What are they doing? get to know each activities.

Are they dangerous or not? get to know which activity is dangerous.

Discuss in pairs. Rate six activities from very dangerous(6)to not dangerous(1) and give reasons.

riding a bicycle

walking in a storm

playing basketball

travelling in a car

playing with fire

going online

Then ask Ss to report like this:

I think walking in a storm is very dangerous , playing with fire is dangerous and going online is not dangerous.

Then lead to the topic: Remember safety first when you are doing something! How to keep us safe?

Step2. While-reading:

First Reading :

Read for general information.

What are the three passages(a~c) about? Tick the situations they mentioned.

Second Reading

Show 3 pictures and ask Ss to match the replies with the three passages.

Reading skill: 1 minute fast reading on each paragraph and underline the key words.

Check the answers : ask Ss to tell the answers and tell the reasons.

3.Third Reading

Read for detailed information. Read and answer the questions according to the replies