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师梦圆初中英语教材同步北师大版七年级下册Reading: Weather in Beijing; Summer Holiday下载详情
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教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm-upQ: summer holiday is coming. How do you want to spend your holiday? Do you have any plans?Say the activities that they want to do on summer holiday as many as possible.利用头脑风暴形式激活学生头脑中已有词汇。Show them the pictures to review and teach some phrases.Look at the pictures and go over and learn the phrases.引入新词汇,为阅读下面的课文打基础。Q: If you go on a tour, where do you want to go?Several students answer the question.引出学生已知旅游胜地的名称。Show them some pictures of the Great Wall, the Palace Museum etc.Look at the pictures and learn the places.学习、熟悉下面课文中即将出现的有关旅游胜地的名称。Pre-readingIntroduce the postcard, and give them the questions..Go over the questions and read the text to get the answers.用听力的形式先感知课文。While-reading1st reading:

Direct the students to the dates and the photos.

Read the postcard and write the dates on the photos.初步了解Tim假期的时间、地点安排。2nd reading:

Direct the students to the True and False questions.

Read the postcard again and judge the sentences True or False.捕捉细节信息。3rd reading:

Show them the tables and explain how to do them.Read the postcard again and fill in the tables.用表格形式体现Tim及其家人的计划,便于学生整理记忆。Play the tape.Listen and repeat.关注语音语调并内化信息。Have them into groups of 4 or 5.Read the postcard and underline their problems in the text and then discuss in group.组内理解课文,强帮弱。Solve their problems. And write the key ones on the blackboard.(If they don’t have any, ask them the important ones to make sure they know them.)Say their problems.处理学生在组内没有处理的问题,并就重要易错的知识提问。Post-readingShow them some Chinese phrases on the screen.Try to find out the English phrase in the text. 词汇整理。Q:Is Tim’s summer holiday great? How are you going to spend your summer holiday?Finish the table and talk about their own plans更合理的安排自己的旅行计划。Make a report about your partner’s plans for the summer holiday.demonstration转述他人计划,再次体会be going to 的表意功能及提高学生口语表达能力。 Blackboard design Unit 4 Lesson 12 Summer Holiday

Homework Listen and read the text.

Try to write a short passage to talk about your summer holiday.

visit friends


go abroad


be going to

learn English

go on a tour

go to a summer camp
