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师梦圆初中英语教材同步北师大版七年级下册Reading: Changes in Our Town; My First Day下载详情
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Show some pictures about adjectives .

clean –dirty ,cheap- expensive, close –far…

Revise and learn some new words about adjectivesTo make the students can describe their hometown by using these adjectives.Pre-reading(7mins)Show pictures to introduce Shunyi to the students and learn some new words:

hometown ,building,

neighbour ,flat ,center…

Read the Key words and learn some sentences that can describe our hometowns .

Make an example for students .

To get ready for describing their


and reading.


1st reading:

Ask the students to focus on the beginning to find out the correct answers to the two questions.

Who are talking?

What are they talking about?

Read fast to find out the correct answers.

Pay attention to the key sentence of the dialogue.

To get the general information of the dialogue.

2nd reading:

Ask the students to read the dialogue carefully. Pick out the right sentences and complete the dialogue.

Check the answers together and show the students how to find out the right answer.

Translate the four sentences first and then read fast to find out the related information from the context and complete the dialogue.

Do it first individually and then discuss in pairs.

To get the general information of the dialogue.

3rd reading:

Ask the students to read the dialogue again and find out the information about 5 aspects they mentioned in the dialogue. And then complete the table.

Read the dialogue carefully and make notes about the changes of the town in the five aspects.

Discuss the answers in pairs.

To get the detailed information.Post-reading(15mins)