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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级下册Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.下载详情
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Key points: sense verbs + adj.

Difficult points: To understand the passage.

Learning strategies: Communicative approach.

Teaching Aids: Multi-Media 计的工作原理是利用液体的


教师活动学生活动设置意图Lead in 2minutesAsk students to play a game..

Find out the adjectives.

Play the game

通过这个轻松而又愉快的游戏使学生马上进入到形容词氛围。Brainstorming 3minutesShow a group of pictures to students and ask”How do you feel if you see TFboys?”

More questions:

How do you feel...when you...?

I feel...when I ...Think and answer.

Get students to think about the question and get ready for the class.Listening 3minutes1.Pre-listening: Ask students to listen to the recording and choose the picture:

Who is Sally?


Q1: Who wrote this letter?

Q2: Whom did this letter write to ?

Think, read

Get students to be familiar with what they’re going to learn.

Reading 2b 17minutesSkimming:

1st reading: Ask students to read and find out how many paragraphs in the passage?

2nd reading: Ask students to read and Match the questions with the paragraphs.

a) What are your hobbies?

b) How do you feel about coming to China?

c) What do you look like?

Read, think and answer the questions1. Provide reading using the target language.

2. Get students to practice the reading strategies for getting the specific information and general idea.Scanning:

1. Read paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks.

I hope you will know me from my photo when I arrive at the airport. I’m quite_______, ________, and I wear________. I’ll ___________ and ___________ for the journey, but I’ll also _________ my___________. I’ve got your photo- you look so pretty, so I’m sure we’ll find each other!

Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions.

