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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级下册Unit 3 Language in use下载详情
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To be glad to listen to others’ opinions and enjoy the happiness of the friendship.


To be able to use use the methods of listening and reading as well as review the object clauses.


Through listening, speaking and writing, let students practise the object clauses and try to write about friendship.


PWP method, task-based method


A Micro-course video, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Contents(1分钟,让学生了解本节课内容)

1 微课视频 What is Friendship?

2 听力( Friendship)

3 阅读(Around the world)

4 小组讨论 What is important about friendship?(引导列提纲—写作)

Step2 微课视频 What is Friendship?(5分钟导入)

Step3 1听有关朋友的短文,选择正确答案。(5分钟,Page78,Part7)

1 How long has Charlie been friends with Sam?

A Over one year. B Over ten years.

2 Is their friendship changing as they are older?

A Yes, it is. B No, it isn’t.

3 What is Charlie’s idea about their friendship?

A Charlie wants to stay friends with Sam.

B Charlie doesn’t want to stay friends with Sam.


I'm Charlie. I've been best friends with Sam for over ten years—since we were young children. But now that we are older, we seem to be changing. We don't have the same friendship any more, and I miss it. I want to stay friends with Sam, but I'm not sure it's going to work. What should I do? Should I make new friends? Or should I try to get our friendship back again?


Advice1 : ___________ can stay the same all the time. Don’t ___________ about the past so much.

Advice2 : If you are really good friends, then your ___________will not end.

