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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版八年级上册Grammar'how to use the present perfect tense '下载详情
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Task-based method ; Guiding and Exploring

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Guessing game

By asking students the following questions, lead in the Present Perfect Tense.

What’s my name?

Where do I come from?

How long have I been working?

What’s my hobby?

Step2. To sum up the basic usages of the President Perfect Tense.

Show them the outline of this class;

Ask them to tell me it’s definition and structure;

Get them to review the rules of Past Participle;

Ask them to find out the temporal adverbial, and then sum up the temporal adverbial in the Present Perfect Tense. (since&for)

Step3. To review the key points of the Present Perfect Tense.

Continuous and non-continuous verbs

Have been to & have gone to & have been in

The differences between the Simple Past Tense and the Present Perfect Tense

have/has been + P.P.

Ask students to do some exercises. Then guide them to explore and make conclusions for those key points.

Step4. Improve and rebuild

Ask them to write something about themselves, and then show their works in class.

Enjoy a poem Always Have A Dream; tell them no matter what you have encountered, never give up and always have a dream.



2. 文中不能出现真实的校名和人名

3. 文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数

How time flies! I have studied in my middle school for three years.________________________________________________________________ Step5. Conclusion:

Today, we have reviewed all the key points of the Present Perfect Tense, please do more exercises after class, and be confident in the final exam! Good luck!

Step6. Special work:

1. To finish exercises about the Present Perfect Tense(A计划)
