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冀教2011课标版三年级起点《Lesson 15 May I Invite Danny and Jenny?》优质课教案下载-渭南市优课

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2. 理解并翻译下面的句子。

I want Danny and Jenny to come on our trip to Beijing.


May I speak to Mrs. Smith?


Li Ming and I are going on a trip to Beijing.


I can talk to Danny’s mother.


3. 回答问题。

Can Jenny come on the trip to Beijing?

When will they go to Beijing?

三. Production

1. Let’s act.

Mrs. Smith: Hello. This is Mrs. Smith. May I speak to Danny’s mother?

Danny’s mother: Hello. This is Danny’s mother.

Mrs. Smith: Li Ming and his mother invite Jenny and Danny to go to Beijing. (Li Ming wants Danny and Jenny to come on their trip to Beijing.)Can Danny come ?

Danny’s mother: Yes, Danny can go. When will they go to Beijing?

Mrs. Smith: They will go to Beijing on February 3.

Danny’s mother: Okay!

2. Let’s do it.

Make a call.

go to the cinema go to the park

go shopping play ping-pong

go to the zoo have dinner

A: Hello. This is _______. May I speak to _____?

B: This is _______.

A: Do you want to __________ with me ?

B: Okay. When will we go?

A: ___________.