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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点五年级上册Lesson 19 Meet Li Ming's Family下载详情
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Key Points: Students will master the words and the sentences.

Difficult Points: Students can improve their ability of introducing the time through cooperation.

Part 3 Analysis of the students

Students in Grade 5 have two-year study experience, and they have learnt some words. They can express the things they can do, which provide the foundation for this lesson.

However, the ability of their abstract thinking is not good. And their attention can be scattered easily.

So, I will help them to foster the abstract thinking ability and attract their attention.

Part 4 The Teaching Method

According to students’ physical and physiological characteristics, the teacher will adopt the Task Based Teaching Method and the Communicative Approach to improve the students’ enthusiasm. The Task Based Teaching Method offers the students an opportunity to complete the tasks in which students can use the language to achieve a specific outcome.

Part 4 The Learning Method

The students will choose the game method and practice method to learn this lesson. They will take part in the games and finish the tasks in pairs and in groups. They will use the language in an active and harmonious atmosphere. And their learning interest will be strengthened.

Part 5 Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Warm up

I will play the song: The Month Song.

In this way, the atmosphere of the class will be active.

Step 2 Lead in

I will show the pictures of the airport. Students try to review the words.

In this way, students will know the subject about the meeting. And their interest of learning English will be improved.

Step 3 Presentation

First, I will begin by teaching the new vocabulary for this lesson: at, evening, nice, meet, morning, afternoon. Then, I will explain the word: “time”. And students will read the words several times after me.

Second, I will explain the sentences: Nice to meet you. Did you have a nice trip? Then, I will explain how to use the sentences in their real life.

Third, I will play the tape. Students can listen to the conversation and read it after the tape. And I will correct their pronunciation.

In this way, students’ ability of thinking and reading will be improved.

Step 4 Practice

Activity 1 Ask and Answer

I will open the calendar to any day and ask a student to say the day. “When will you go to Beijing?” I ask. I wait for applies from the class.

Activity 2 Role Play

I will ask the students to make roles of Danny, Jenny, Li Ming and Mr. Li.

Activity 3 Group Work

I will ask the students to make a new conversation by the chart. And they need to act it out in group.

In this way, students can practice the conversation from this lesson. Students’ interests of learning English will be cultivated.