师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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--- I’m / He’s / She’s from …

--- I’m / He’s / She’s a ...

Ability aims:

Students understand the story well and can have a story role play.

Students learn to introduce themselves and others.

Moral aims:

Students learn how to make friends with introduction.

Help others. Treasure friendship.

Ⅱ. Teaching important and difficult points

The students can understand the story dialogue and have a story role play.

The students can introduce themselves and others.

Ⅲ. Teaching aids

card pictures, the recorder, PPT, video, multimedia …

Ⅳ. Teaching method

Communicative method, task-based method

Ⅴ. Teaching procedures

教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Warm-up and lead-inGreetings.

2. Sing a song: boy and girl.Greetings.

Go over the words: boy and girl.

Sing the song boy and girl together.

复习boy 和girl 单词,同学们齐唱boy and girl。课堂气氛活跃,同时也导入到本课的学习内容。Presentation11. Watch the video and Look at Anna’s trouble.

2. Discuss: how do we help her?

Students can get stars in class. Then they will have the magic. They can help Anna find her sister at last.

3. Show the students some friends and ask them to introduce. 1. Watch the video and know Anna’s trouble and try to get stars to help her.

2. Look at the pictures and try to introduce them with the sentence structures.

--- I’m / He’s / She’s a ...

--- I’m / He’s / She’s from …


设计精巧的奖励机制让孩子们积极参与课堂活动,课堂气氛活跃。Presentation 2Ask them to Introduce Zoom and Zip.

Watch the video and ask them to answer the questions.