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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版八年级上册Reading'Engish: fun for life'下载详情
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4. 情感态度:激发学生参加“英语周”的愿望,让学生在阅读活动中体会英语学习带来的快乐,提高英语学习的乐趣。

5. 文化意识:了解“英语周”活动以及它举办内在意义。教学策略任务型教学法、合作教学法,jigsaw reading,jigsaw writing教具卡纸、信封、任务单、一体机、黑板等Board Plan

TasksTeacher’s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesAimsLead-in

(2 min)Make a self-introduction with two truths and one lie, let students guess the lie. Create a situation and lead in the topic.Guess the false information about the teacher and learn about the topic.To warm students up for the topic and arouse students’ interest.Before


(3min)Let students brainstorm the activities in English week and choose one student to organize the title on the blackboard.Brainstorm the activities. One student organizes the title on the blackboard.To broaden Ss’ mind about English Week and understand how to write a title for a newspaper report .Skimming for structure

(5min)Lead students to skim the passage fragments, put them in the logical order, and summarize the main idea.Work in groups and put the fragments in order and use one word to summarize the main idea of each part: Introduction;

Activities;Comments;SuggestionsTo let students make clear the text structure, the main idea and find out the logic of the text structure. Scanning for content&


(12min)Lead students to read the given information fragments:

to summarize the information the introduction part includes.

to pick out the key sentence patterns in the news report.

to predict the missing information.

2.Lead students to complete the missing parts by jigsaw reading and learn some expressions, like: put on, advise... to, ect.1. Read the given information on the fragments and answer the questions the teacher gives.

2. Work in groups to complete the missing parts together and learn about some expressions.1.To let students know about the functions of the introduction in a news report and master some sentence patterns to write a news report. Arouse their interest for further reading.

2.To enable Ss to learn about English Week quickly by jigsaw reading and prepare for the later writing by learning some expressions.Discussion

(3min)Guide students to work in groups and discuss how to enjoy English in English Week and think about how to improve English Week .Discuss how students could enjoy English in English WeekTo let Ss find out the meaning and benefits of the English Week and prepare for writing.Writing

(12min)Introduce students the writing tasks. Guide students to write in groups of four.Make clear the writing tasks. Write in groups. Each student writes one part of a news report.To enable students to apply what they’ve learned to write a news report.Presentation&


(3min)Encourage students to present their writing and give assessments.Present and evaluate the writing.

To test Students’ learning effect and conclude the class.


